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Should we thank Osama bin Laden for our freedom?   |   Things Get Messy When Wal-Mart Workers Try to Get Organized   |   By Sean Bennett   |   Union-Busting on the Dock of the Bay   |   Rifts On the Right   |   Operation Infantile Justice   |   Making Hay While the Smoke Clears   |   2001: A Chlymidia Mountain Odyssey   |   By Lisa James   |   Chairman Selleck: To dump or not to dump?   |   By Herbert Molzahn   |   Workplace Drug Testing   |   Bertha Vs. the unsung heroes of the Richmondville Road Crew   |   Alright Already   |   Make it out to CASH   |   Quigly Gulch pollution uncovered   |   Stan Grouke for Congress?   |   Defense appropriations bill passes   |   John McCallister: The man who would be Mayor   |   Whats Darlene La pixie up to?   |   Whats happening at the Pomegranate Valley prison?   |   Coup, Interrupted   |   What Is To Be Done with the Democrats   |   Terrorist Threat Eclipses Much Larger Healthcare Crisis   |   The Second International and the Collapse of German Social Democracy   |   The Economic and Political Effects of the Living Wage Movement   |   Rumsfeld's Rathole
By Sean Bennett
Sean Bennett is a journalist and commentator who resides in Chlymidia Mountain, he is the co-founder of Chlymidia Mountain Free Radio 93.1 FM, the current editor-in-chief of Desperate Times Quarterly, and the present General  Manager of On Strike Records, and the present Chief Editor of Bad Press.  His work regularly appears in Desperate Times, Chlymidia Mountain  Weekly, The Chlymidia Mountain Voice, and General Strike Magazine.   He is also the author of several books.  2000's Turning the Off Button On, 2000's The Swaying Sumac, a novel, and 2001's If The Marketplace is so magical, why can't we make the capitalists disappear? All published by Bad Press.  And if thats not enough he also works part time as a shopkeeper at Commie Propaganda, a local newstand/record shop.